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  • By default, S3 authentication uses role-based access. You will need the trust policy prepopulated with the data-syncing service's identifier to grant access. It should look similar to the following JSON object with a proper service account identifier:
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Principal": {
"Federated": ""
"Condition": {
"StringEquals": {
"": "<some_service_account_identifier>"

Step 1: Set up destination S3 bucket

Create bucket

  1. Navigate to the S3 service page.
  2. Click Create bucket.
  3. Enter a Bucket name and modify any of the default settings as desired. Note: Object Ownership can be set to "ACLs disabled" and Block Public Access settings for this bucket can be set to "Block all public access" as recommended by AWS. Make note of the Bucket name and AWS Region.
  4. Click Create bucket.

Step 2: Create policy and IAM role

Create policy

  1. Navigate to the IAM service page.
  2. Navigate to the Policies navigation tab, and click Create policy.
  3. Click the JSON tab, and paste the following policy, being sure to replace BUCKET_NAME with the name of the bucket chosen in Step 1.
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": ["s3:PutObject", "s3:DeleteObject"],
"Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::BUCKET_NAME/*"

🚧 Understanding the s3:DeleteObject requirement

By default, a connection test is performed against the destination during initial configuration and s3:DeleteObject is required to clean up test artifacts. Once the test has been performed successfully and the destination added, this action can be safely removed, as S3 destinations are append-only by default.

  1. Click Next: Tags, click Next: Review.
  2. Name the policy, add a description, and click Create policy.

Create role

  1. Navigate to the IAM service page.
  2. Navigate to the Roles navigation tab, and click Create role.
  3. Select Custom trust policy and paste the provided trust policy to allow AssumeRole access to the new role. Click Next.
  4. Add the permissions policy created above, and click Next.
  5. Enter a Role name, for example, transfer-role, and click Create role.
  6. Once successfully created, search for the created role in the Roles list, click the role name, and make a note of the ARN value.

🚧 Alternative authentication method: AWS User with HMAC Access Key ID & Secret Access Key Role based authentication is the preferred authentication mode for S3 based on AWS recommendations, however, HMAC Access Key ID & Secret Access Key is an alternative authentication method that can be used if preferred.

  1. Navigate to the IAM service page.
  2. Navigate to the Users navigation tab, and click Add users.
  3. Enter a User name for the service, for example, transfer-service, click Next. Under Select AWS access type, select the Access key - Programatic access option. Click Next: Permissions.
  4. Click the Attach existing policies directly option, and search for the name of the policy created in the previous step. Select the policy, and click Next: Tags.
  5. Click Next: Review and click Create user.
  6. In the Success screen, record the Access key ID and the Secret access key.

Step 3: Add your destination

Securely share your bucket name, bucket region, and role ARN with us to complete the connection.