Update price
This endpoint allows you to update the metadata
property on a price. If you pass null for the metadata value,
it will clear any existing metadata for that price.
Path Parameters
Request Body required
metadata object nullable
User-specified key/value pairs for the resource. Individual keys can be removed by setting the value to null
, and the entire metadata mapping can be cleared by setting metadata
to null
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 404
- 409
- 413
- 429
- 500
Response Headers
- Array [
- ]
- Array [
- ]
- Array [
- ]
- Array [
- ]
- Array [
- ]
- Array [
- ]
metadata object required
User specified key-value pairs for the resource. If not present, this defaults to an empty dictionary. Individual keys can be removed by setting the value to null
, and the entire metadata mapping can be cleared by setting metadata
to null
Possible values: [usage_price
, fixed_price
Possible values: [unit
Possible values: [one_time
, monthly
, quarterly
, semi_annual
, annual
, custom
billing_cycle_configuration object required
Possible values: [day
, month
invoicing_cycle_configuration object nullable required
Possible values: [day
, month
billable_metric object nullable required
item object required
credit_allocation object nullable required
discount object nullable required
minimum object nullable required
Minimum amount applied
List of price_ids that this minimum amount applies to. For plan/plan phase minimums, this can be a subset of prices.
maximum object nullable required
Maximum amount applied
List of price_ids that this maximum amount applies to. For plan/plan phase maximums, this can be a subset of prices.
unit_config object required
Rate per unit of usage
metadata object required
User specified key-value pairs for the resource. If not present, this defaults to an empty dictionary. Individual keys can be removed by setting the value to null
, and the entire metadata mapping can be cleared by setting metadata
to null
Possible values: [usage_price
, fixed_price
Possible values: [package
Possible values: [one_time
, monthly
, quarterly
, semi_annual
, annual
, custom
billing_cycle_configuration object required
Possible values: [day
, month
invoicing_cycle_configuration object nullable required
Possible values: [day
, month
billable_metric object nullable required
item object required
credit_allocation object nullable required
discount object nullable required
minimum object nullable required
Minimum amount applied
List of price_ids that this minimum amount applies to. For plan/plan phase minimums, this can be a subset of prices.
maximum object nullable required
Maximum amount applied
List of price_ids that this maximum amount applies to. For plan/plan phase maximums, this can be a subset of prices.
package_config object required
A currency amount to rate usage by
An integer amount to represent package size. For example, 1000 here would divide usage by 1000 before multiplying by package_amount in rating
metadata object required
User specified key-value pairs for the resource. If not present, this defaults to an empty dictionary. Individual keys can be removed by setting the value to null
, and the entire metadata mapping can be cleared by setting metadata
to null
Possible values: [usage_price
, fixed_price
Possible values: [matrix
Possible values: [one_time
, monthly
, quarterly
, semi_annual
, annual
, custom
billing_cycle_configuration object required
Possible values: [day
, month
invoicing_cycle_configuration object nullable required
Possible values: [day
, month
billable_metric object nullable required
item object required
credit_allocation object nullable required
discount object nullable required
minimum object nullable required
Minimum amount applied
List of price_ids that this minimum amount applies to. For plan/plan phase minimums, this can be a subset of prices.
maximum object nullable required
Maximum amount applied
List of price_ids that this maximum amount applies to. For plan/plan phase maximums, this can be a subset of prices.
matrix_config object required
One or two event property values to evaluate matrix groups by
Default per unit rate for any usage not bucketed into a specified matrix_value
matrix_values object[] required
Matrix values for specified matrix grouping keys
Unit price for the specified dimension_values
One or two matrix keys to filter usage to this Matrix value by. For example, ["region", "tier"] could be used to filter cloud usage by a cloud region and an instance tier.
metadata object required
User specified key-value pairs for the resource. If not present, this defaults to an empty dictionary. Individual keys can be removed by setting the value to null
, and the entire metadata mapping can be cleared by setting metadata
to null
Possible values: [usage_price
, fixed_price
Possible values: [tiered
Possible values: [one_time
, monthly
, quarterly
, semi_annual
, annual
, custom
billing_cycle_configuration object required
Possible values: [day
, month
invoicing_cycle_configuration object nullable required
Possible values: [day
, month
billable_metric object nullable required
item object required
credit_allocation object nullable required
discount object nullable required
minimum object nullable required
Minimum amount applied
List of price_ids that this minimum amount applies to. For plan/plan phase minimums, this can be a subset of prices.
maximum object nullable required
Maximum amount applied
List of price_ids that this maximum amount applies to. For plan/plan phase maximums, this can be a subset of prices.
tiered_config object required
tiers object[] required
Tiers for rating based on total usage quantities into the specified tier
Inclusive tier starting value
Exclusive tier ending value. If null, this is treated as the last tier
Amount per unit
metadata object required
User specified key-value pairs for the resource. If not present, this defaults to an empty dictionary. Individual keys can be removed by setting the value to null
, and the entire metadata mapping can be cleared by setting metadata
to null
Possible values: [usage_price
, fixed_price
Possible values: [tiered_bps
Possible values: [one_time
, monthly
, quarterly
, semi_annual
, annual
, custom
billing_cycle_configuration object required
Possible values: [day
, month
invoicing_cycle_configuration object nullable required
Possible values: [day
, month
billable_metric object nullable required
item object required
credit_allocation object nullable required
discount object nullable required
minimum object nullable required
Minimum amount applied
List of price_ids that this minimum amount applies to. For plan/plan phase minimums, this can be a subset of prices.
maximum object nullable required
Maximum amount applied
List of price_ids that this maximum amount applies to. For plan/plan phase maximums, this can be a subset of prices.
tiered_bps_config object required
tiers object[] required
Tiers for a Graduated BPS pricing model, where usage is bucketed into specified tiers
Inclusive tier starting value
Exclusive tier ending value
Per-event basis point rate
Per unit maximum to charge
metadata object required
User specified key-value pairs for the resource. If not present, this defaults to an empty dictionary. Individual keys can be removed by setting the value to null
, and the entire metadata mapping can be cleared by setting metadata
to null
Possible values: [usage_price
, fixed_price
Possible values: [bps
Possible values: [one_time
, monthly
, quarterly
, semi_annual
, annual
, custom
billing_cycle_configuration object required
Possible values: [day
, month
invoicing_cycle_configuration object nullable required
Possible values: [day
, month
billable_metric object nullable required
item object required
credit_allocation object nullable required
discount object nullable required
minimum object nullable required
Minimum amount applied
List of price_ids that this minimum amount applies to. For plan/plan phase minimums, this can be a subset of prices.
maximum object nullable required
Maximum amount applied
List of price_ids that this maximum amount applies to. For plan/plan phase maximums, this can be a subset of prices.
bps_config object required
Basis point take rate per event
Optional currency amount maximum to cap spend per event
metadata object required
User specified key-value pairs for the resource. If not present, this defaults to an empty dictionary. Individual keys can be removed by setting the value to null
, and the entire metadata mapping can be cleared by setting metadata
to null
Possible values: [usage_price
, fixed_price
Possible values: [bulk_bps
Possible values: [one_time
, monthly
, quarterly
, semi_annual
, annual
, custom
billing_cycle_configuration object required
Possible values: [day
, month
invoicing_cycle_configuration object nullable required
Possible values: [day
, month
billable_metric object nullable required
item object required
credit_allocation object nullable required
discount object nullable required
minimum object nullable required
Minimum amount applied
List of price_ids that this minimum amount applies to. For plan/plan phase minimums, this can be a subset of prices.
maximum object nullable required
Maximum amount applied
List of price_ids that this maximum amount applies to. For plan/plan phase maximums, this can be a subset of prices.
bulk_bps_config object required
tiers object[] required
Tiers for a bulk BPS pricing model where all usage is aggregated to a single tier based on total volume
Upper bound for tier
Basis points to rate on
The maximum amount to charge for any one event
metadata object required
User specified key-value pairs for the resource. If not present, this defaults to an empty dictionary. Individual keys can be removed by setting the value to null
, and the entire metadata mapping can be cleared by setting metadata
to null
Possible values: [usage_price
, fixed_price
Possible values: [bulk
Possible values: [one_time
, monthly
, quarterly
, semi_annual
, annual
, custom
billing_cycle_configuration object required
Possible values: [day
, month
invoicing_cycle_configuration object nullable required
Possible values: [day
, month
billable_metric object nullable required
item object required
credit_allocation object nullable required
discount object nullable required
minimum object nullable required
Minimum amount applied
List of price_ids that this minimum amount applies to. For plan/plan phase minimums, this can be a subset of prices.
maximum object nullable required
Maximum amount applied
List of price_ids that this maximum amount applies to. For plan/plan phase maximums, this can be a subset of prices.
bulk_config object required
tiers object[] required
Bulk tiers for rating based on total usage volume
Upper bound for this tier
Amount per unit
metadata object required
User specified key-value pairs for the resource. If not present, this defaults to an empty dictionary. Individual keys can be removed by setting the value to null
, and the entire metadata mapping can be cleared by setting metadata
to null
Possible values: [usage_price
, fixed_price
Possible values: [threshold_total_amount
Possible values: [one_time
, monthly
, quarterly
, semi_annual
, annual
, custom
billing_cycle_configuration object required
Possible values: [day
, month
invoicing_cycle_configuration object nullable required
Possible values: [day
, month
billable_metric object nullable required
item object required
credit_allocation object nullable required
discount object nullable required
minimum object nullable required
Minimum amount applied
List of price_ids that this minimum amount applies to. For plan/plan phase minimums, this can be a subset of prices.
maximum object nullable required
Maximum amount applied
List of price_ids that this maximum amount applies to. For plan/plan phase maximums, this can be a subset of prices.
threshold_total_amount_config object required
metadata object required
User specified key-value pairs for the resource. If not present, this defaults to an empty dictionary. Individual keys can be removed by setting the value to null
, and the entire metadata mapping can be cleared by setting metadata
to null
Possible values: [usage_price
, fixed_price
Possible values: [tiered_package
Possible values: [one_time
, monthly
, quarterly
, semi_annual
, annual
, custom
billing_cycle_configuration object required
Possible values: [day
, month
invoicing_cycle_configuration object nullable required
Possible values: [day
, month
billable_metric object nullable required
item object required
credit_allocation object nullable required
discount object nullable required
minimum object nullable required
Minimum amount applied
List of price_ids that this minimum amount applies to. For plan/plan phase minimums, this can be a subset of prices.
maximum object nullable required
Maximum amount applied
List of price_ids that this maximum amount applies to. For plan/plan phase maximums, this can be a subset of prices.
tiered_package_config object required
metadata object required
User specified key-value pairs for the resource. If not present, this defaults to an empty dictionary. Individual keys can be removed by setting the value to null
, and the entire metadata mapping can be cleared by setting metadata
to null
Possible values: [usage_price
, fixed_price
Possible values: [grouped_tiered
Possible values: [one_time
, monthly
, quarterly
, semi_annual
, annual
, custom
billing_cycle_configuration object required
Possible values: [day
, month
invoicing_cycle_configuration object nullable required
Possible values: [day
, month
billable_metric object nullable required
item object required
credit_allocation object nullable required
discount object nullable required
minimum object nullable required
Minimum amount applied
List of price_ids that this minimum amount applies to. For plan/plan phase minimums, this can be a subset of prices.
maximum object nullable required
Maximum amount applied
List of price_ids that this maximum amount applies to. For plan/plan phase maximums, this can be a subset of prices.
grouped_tiered_config object required
metadata object required
User specified key-value pairs for the resource. If not present, this defaults to an empty dictionary. Individual keys can be removed by setting the value to null
, and the entire metadata mapping can be cleared by setting metadata
to null
Possible values: [usage_price
, fixed_price
Possible values: [tiered_with_minimum
Possible values: [one_time
, monthly
, quarterly
, semi_annual
, annual
, custom
billing_cycle_configuration object required
Possible values: [day
, month
invoicing_cycle_configuration object nullable required
Possible values: [day
, month
billable_metric object nullable required
item object required
credit_allocation object nullable required
discount object nullable required
minimum object nullable required
Minimum amount applied
List of price_ids that this minimum amount applies to. For plan/plan phase minimums, this can be a subset of prices.
maximum object nullable required
Maximum amount applied
List of price_ids that this maximum amount applies to. For plan/plan phase maximums, this can be a subset of prices.
tiered_with_minimum_config object required
metadata object required
User specified key-value pairs for the resource. If not present, this defaults to an empty dictionary. Individual keys can be removed by setting the value to null
, and the entire metadata mapping can be cleared by setting metadata
to null
Possible values: [usage_price
, fixed_price
Possible values: [tiered_package_with_minimum
Possible values: [one_time
, monthly
, quarterly
, semi_annual
, annual
, custom
billing_cycle_configuration object required
Possible values: [day
, month
invoicing_cycle_configuration object nullable required
Possible values: [day
, month
billable_metric object nullable required
item object required
credit_allocation object nullable required
discount object nullable required
minimum object nullable required
Minimum amount applied
List of price_ids that this minimum amount applies to. For plan/plan phase minimums, this can be a subset of prices.
maximum object nullable required
Maximum amount applied
List of price_ids that this maximum amount applies to. For plan/plan phase maximums, this can be a subset of prices.
tiered_package_with_minimum_config object required
metadata object required
User specified key-value pairs for the resource. If not present, this defaults to an empty dictionary. Individual keys can be removed by setting the value to null
, and the entire metadata mapping can be cleared by setting metadata
to null
Possible values: [usage_price
, fixed_price
Possible values: [package_with_allocation
Possible values: [one_time
, monthly
, quarterly
, semi_annual
, annual
, custom
billing_cycle_configuration object required
Possible values: [day
, month
invoicing_cycle_configuration object nullable required
Possible values: [day
, month
billable_metric object nullable required
item object required
credit_allocation object nullable required
discount object nullable required
minimum object nullable required
Minimum amount applied
List of price_ids that this minimum amount applies to. For plan/plan phase minimums, this can be a subset of prices.
maximum object nullable required
Maximum amount applied
List of price_ids that this maximum amount applies to. For plan/plan phase maximums, this can be a subset of prices.
package_with_allocation_config object required
metadata object required
User specified key-value pairs for the resource. If not present, this defaults to an empty dictionary. Individual keys can be removed by setting the value to null
, and the entire metadata mapping can be cleared by setting metadata
to null
Possible values: [usage_price
, fixed_price
Possible values: [unit_with_percent
Possible values: [one_time
, monthly
, quarterly
, semi_annual
, annual
, custom
billing_cycle_configuration object required
Possible values: [day
, month
invoicing_cycle_configuration object nullable required
Possible values: [day
, month
billable_metric object nullable required
item object required
credit_allocation object nullable required
discount object nullable required
minimum object nullable required
Minimum amount applied
List of price_ids that this minimum amount applies to. For plan/plan phase minimums, this can be a subset of prices.
maximum object nullable required
Maximum amount applied
List of price_ids that this maximum amount applies to. For plan/plan phase maximums, this can be a subset of prices.
unit_with_percent_config object required
metadata object required
User specified key-value pairs for the resource. If not present, this defaults to an empty dictionary. Individual keys can be removed by setting the value to null
, and the entire metadata mapping can be cleared by setting metadata
to null
Possible values: [usage_price
, fixed_price
Possible values: [matrix_with_allocation
Possible values: [one_time
, monthly
, quarterly
, semi_annual
, annual
, custom
billing_cycle_configuration object required
Possible values: [day
, month
invoicing_cycle_configuration object nullable required
Possible values: [day
, month
billable_metric object nullable required
item object required
credit_allocation object nullable required
discount object nullable required
minimum object nullable required
Minimum amount applied
List of price_ids that this minimum amount applies to. For plan/plan phase minimums, this can be a subset of prices.
maximum object nullable required
Maximum amount applied
List of price_ids that this maximum amount applies to. For plan/plan phase maximums, this can be a subset of prices.
matrix_with_allocation_config object required
One or two event property values to evaluate matrix groups by
Default per unit rate for any usage not bucketed into a specified matrix_value
matrix_values object[] required
Matrix values for specified matrix grouping keys
Unit price for the specified dimension_values
One or two matrix keys to filter usage to this Matrix value by. For example, ["region", "tier"] could be used to filter cloud usage by a cloud region and an instance tier.
Allocation to be used to calculate the price
metadata object required
User specified key-value pairs for the resource. If not present, this defaults to an empty dictionary. Individual keys can be removed by setting the value to null
, and the entire metadata mapping can be cleared by setting metadata
to null
Possible values: [usage_price
, fixed_price
Possible values: [tiered_with_proration
Possible values: [one_time
, monthly
, quarterly
, semi_annual
, annual
, custom
billing_cycle_configuration object required
Possible values: [day
, month
invoicing_cycle_configuration object nullable required
Possible values: [day
, month
billable_metric object nullable required
item object required
credit_allocation object nullable required
discount object nullable required
minimum object nullable required
Minimum amount applied
List of price_ids that this minimum amount applies to. For plan/plan phase minimums, this can be a subset of prices.
maximum object nullable required
Maximum amount applied
List of price_ids that this maximum amount applies to. For plan/plan phase maximums, this can be a subset of prices.
tiered_with_proration_config object required
metadata object required
User specified key-value pairs for the resource. If not present, this defaults to an empty dictionary. Individual keys can be removed by setting the value to null
, and the entire metadata mapping can be cleared by setting metadata
to null
Possible values: [usage_price
, fixed_price
Possible values: [unit_with_proration
Possible values: [one_time
, monthly
, quarterly
, semi_annual
, annual
, custom
billing_cycle_configuration object required
Possible values: [day
, month
invoicing_cycle_configuration object nullable required
Possible values: [day
, month
billable_metric object nullable required
item object required
credit_allocation object nullable required
discount object nullable required
minimum object nullable required
Minimum amount applied
List of price_ids that this minimum amount applies to. For plan/plan phase minimums, this can be a subset of prices.
maximum object nullable required
Maximum amount applied
List of price_ids that this maximum amount applies to. For plan/plan phase maximums, this can be a subset of prices.
unit_with_proration_config object required
metadata object required
User specified key-value pairs for the resource. If not present, this defaults to an empty dictionary. Individual keys can be removed by setting the value to null
, and the entire metadata mapping can be cleared by setting metadata
to null
Possible values: [usage_price
, fixed_price
Possible values: [grouped_allocation
Possible values: [one_time
, monthly
, quarterly
, semi_annual
, annual
, custom
billing_cycle_configuration object required
Possible values: [day
, month
invoicing_cycle_configuration object nullable required
Possible values: [day
, month
billable_metric object nullable required
item object required
credit_allocation object nullable required
discount object nullable required
minimum object nullable required
Minimum amount applied
List of price_ids that this minimum amount applies to. For plan/plan phase minimums, this can be a subset of prices.
maximum object nullable required
Maximum amount applied
List of price_ids that this maximum amount applies to. For plan/plan phase maximums, this can be a subset of prices.
grouped_allocation_config object required
metadata object required
User specified key-value pairs for the resource. If not present, this defaults to an empty dictionary. Individual keys can be removed by setting the value to null
, and the entire metadata mapping can be cleared by setting metadata
to null
Possible values: [usage_price
, fixed_price
Possible values: [grouped_with_prorated_minimum
Possible values: [one_time
, monthly
, quarterly
, semi_annual
, annual
, custom
billing_cycle_configuration object required
Possible values: [day
, month
invoicing_cycle_configuration object nullable required
Possible values: [day
, month
billable_metric object nullable required
item object required
credit_allocation object nullable required
discount object nullable required
minimum object nullable required
Minimum amount applied
List of price_ids that this minimum amount applies to. For plan/plan phase minimums, this can be a subset of prices.
maximum object nullable required
Maximum amount applied
List of price_ids that this maximum amount applies to. For plan/plan phase maximums, this can be a subset of prices.
grouped_with_prorated_minimum_config object required
metadata object required
User specified key-value pairs for the resource. If not present, this defaults to an empty dictionary. Individual keys can be removed by setting the value to null
, and the entire metadata mapping can be cleared by setting metadata
to null
Possible values: [usage_price
, fixed_price
Possible values: [grouped_with_metered_minimum
Possible values: [one_time
, monthly
, quarterly
, semi_annual
, annual
, custom
billing_cycle_configuration object required
Possible values: [day
, month
invoicing_cycle_configuration object nullable required
Possible values: [day
, month
billable_metric object nullable required
item object required
credit_allocation object nullable required
discount object nullable required
minimum object nullable required
Minimum amount applied
List of price_ids that this minimum amount applies to. For plan/plan phase minimums, this can be a subset of prices.
maximum object nullable required
Maximum amount applied
List of price_ids that this maximum amount applies to. For plan/plan phase maximums, this can be a subset of prices.
grouped_with_metered_minimum_config object required
metadata object required
User specified key-value pairs for the resource. If not present, this defaults to an empty dictionary. Individual keys can be removed by setting the value to null
, and the entire metadata mapping can be cleared by setting metadata
to null
Possible values: [usage_price
, fixed_price
Possible values: [matrix_with_display_name
Possible values: [one_time
, monthly
, quarterly
, semi_annual
, annual
, custom
billing_cycle_configuration object required
Possible values: [day
, month
invoicing_cycle_configuration object nullable required
Possible values: [day
, month
billable_metric object nullable required
item object required
credit_allocation object nullable required
discount object nullable required
minimum object nullable required
Minimum amount applied
List of price_ids that this minimum amount applies to. For plan/plan phase minimums, this can be a subset of prices.
maximum object nullable required
Maximum amount applied
List of price_ids that this maximum amount applies to. For plan/plan phase maximums, this can be a subset of prices.
matrix_with_display_name_config object required
metadata object required
User specified key-value pairs for the resource. If not present, this defaults to an empty dictionary. Individual keys can be removed by setting the value to null
, and the entire metadata mapping can be cleared by setting metadata
to null
Possible values: [usage_price
, fixed_price
Possible values: [bulk_with_proration
Possible values: [one_time
, monthly
, quarterly
, semi_annual
, annual
, custom
billing_cycle_configuration object required
Possible values: [day
, month
invoicing_cycle_configuration object nullable required
Possible values: [day
, month
billable_metric object nullable required
item object required
credit_allocation object nullable required
discount object nullable required
minimum object nullable required
Minimum amount applied
List of price_ids that this minimum amount applies to. For plan/plan phase minimums, this can be a subset of prices.
maximum object nullable required
Maximum amount applied
List of price_ids that this maximum amount applies to. For plan/plan phase maximums, this can be a subset of prices.
bulk_with_proration_config object required
metadata object required
User specified key-value pairs for the resource. If not present, this defaults to an empty dictionary. Individual keys can be removed by setting the value to null
, and the entire metadata mapping can be cleared by setting metadata
to null
Possible values: [usage_price
, fixed_price
Possible values: [grouped_tiered_package
Possible values: [one_time
, monthly
, quarterly
, semi_annual
, annual
, custom
billing_cycle_configuration object required
Possible values: [day
, month
invoicing_cycle_configuration object nullable required
Possible values: [day
, month
billable_metric object nullable required
item object required
credit_allocation object nullable required
discount object nullable required
minimum object nullable required
Minimum amount applied
List of price_ids that this minimum amount applies to. For plan/plan phase minimums, this can be a subset of prices.
maximum object nullable required
Maximum amount applied
List of price_ids that this maximum amount applies to. For plan/plan phase maximums, this can be a subset of prices.
grouped_tiered_package_config object required
Bad Request
Response Headers
Possible values: [https://docs.withorb.com/reference/error-responses#400-constraint-violation
Possible values: [400
Possible values: [https://docs.withorb.com/reference/error-responses#400-duplicate-resource-creation
Possible values: [400
Possible values: [https://docs.withorb.com/reference/error-responses#400-request-validation-errors
Possible values: [400
Response Headers
Possible values: [https://docs.withorb.com/reference/error-responses#401-authentication-error
Possible values: [401
"type": "https://docs.withorb.com/reference/error-responses#401-authentication-error",
"status": 401,
"detail": "string",
"title": "string"
Not Found
Response Headers
Possible values: [https://docs.withorb.com/reference/error-responses#404-feature-not-available
Possible values: [400
Possible values: [https://docs.withorb.com/reference/error-responses#404-resource-not-found
Possible values: [404
Possible values: [https://docs.withorb.com/reference/error-responses#404-url-not-found
Possible values: [404
Response Headers
Possible values: [https://docs.withorb.com/reference/error-responses#409-resource-conflict
Possible values: [409
"type": "https://docs.withorb.com/reference/error-responses#409-resource-conflict",
"status": 409,
"detail": "string",
"title": "string"
Request Entity Too Large
Response Headers
Possible values: [https://docs.withorb.com/reference/error-responses#413-request-too-large
Possible values: [413
Possible values: [https://docs.withorb.com/reference/error-responses#413-resource-too-large
Possible values: [413
Possible values: [https://docs.withorb.com/reference/error-responses#413-too-many-results
Possible values: [413
Too Many Requests
Response Headers
Possible values: [https://docs.withorb.com/reference/error-responses#429-too-many-requests
Possible values: [429
"type": "https://docs.withorb.com/reference/error-responses#429-too-many-requests",
"status": 429,
"detail": "string",
"title": "string"
Internal Server Error
Response Headers
Possible values: [https://docs.withorb.com/reference/error-responses#500-internal-server-error
"type": "https://docs.withorb.com/reference/error-responses#500-internal-server-error",
"status": 0,
"detail": "string",
"title": "string"