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Update metric

This endpoint allows you to update the metadata property on a metric. If you pass null for the metadata value, it will clear any existing metadata for that invoice.

Path Parameters
    metric_id string required
Request Body
    metadata object nullable

    User-specified key/value pairs for the resource. Individual keys can be removed by setting the value to null, and the entire metadata mapping can be cleared by setting metadata to null.

    property name* string nullable


Response Headers

      metadata object required

      User specified key-value pairs for the resource. If not present, this defaults to an empty dictionary. Individual keys can be removed by setting the value to null, and the entire metadata mapping can be cleared by setting metadata to null.

      property name* string
      id string required
      name string required
      description string nullable required
      status string required

      Possible values: [active, draft, archived]

      item object required

      The Item resource represents a sellable product or good. Items are associated with all line items, billable metrics, and prices and are used for defining external sync behavior for invoices and tax calculation purposes.

      id string required
      name string required
      created_at date-time required
      external_connections object[] required
    • Array [
    • external_connection_name object required


      external_entity_id string required
    • ]