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List top-ups

List top-ups

Path Parameters
    customer_id string required
Query Parameters
    limit integer

    Possible values: >= 1 and <= 1000

    Default value: 20

    cursor string


Response Headers

      data object[] required
    • Array [
    • id string required
      currency string required

      The currency or custom pricing unit to use for this top-up. If this is a real-world currency, it must match the customer's invoicing currency.

      threshold string required

      The threshold at which to trigger the top-up. If the balance is at or below this threshold, the top-up will be triggered.

      amount string required

      The amount to increment when the threshold is reached.

      per_unit_cost_basis string required

      How much, in the customer's currency, to charge for each unit.

      invoice_settings object required

      Settings for invoices generated by triggered top-ups.

      auto_collection boolean required

      Whether the credits purchase invoice should auto collect with the customer's saved payment method.

      net_terms integer required

      The net terms determines the difference between the invoice date and the issue date for the invoice. If you intend the invoice to be due on issue, set this to 0.

      memo string nullable

      An optional memo to display on the invoice.

      require_successful_payment boolean

      Default value: false

      If true, new credit blocks created by this top-up will require that the corresponding invoice is paid before they can be drawn down from.

      expires_after integer nullable

      The number of days or months after which the top-up expires. If unspecified, it does not expire.

      expires_after_unit string nullable

      Possible values: [day, month]

      The unit of expires_after.

    • ]
    • pagination_metadata object required
      has_more boolean required
      next_cursor string nullable required