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List credit notes

Get a paginated list of CreditNotes. Users can also filter by customer_id, subscription_id, or external_customer_id. The credit notes will be returned in reverse chronological order by creation_time.

Query Parameters
    limit integer

    Possible values: >= 1 and <= 1000

    Default value: 20

    cursor string


Response Headers

      data object[] required
    • Array [
    • id string required

      The Orb id of this credit note.

      created_at date-time required

      The creation time of the resource in Orb.

      voided_at date-time nullable required

      The time at which the credit note was voided in Orb, if applicable.

      credit_note_number string required

      The unique identifier for credit notes.

      invoice_id string required

      The id of the invoice resource that this credit note is applied to.

      memo string nullable required

      An optional memo supplied on the credit note.

      reason string nullable required

      Possible values: [Duplicate, Fraudulent, Order change, Product unsatisfactory]

      type string required

      Possible values: [refund, adjustment]

      subtotal string required

      The total prior to any creditable invoice-level discounts or minimums.

      total string required

      The total including creditable invoice-level discounts or minimums, and tax.

      customer object required
      id string required
      external_customer_id string nullable required
      credit_note_pdf string nullable required

      A URL to a PDF of the credit note.

      minimum_amount_refunded string nullable required

      Any credited amount from the applied minimum on the invoice.

      discounts object[]

      Any discounts applied on the original invoice.

    • Array [
    • discount_type string required

      Possible values: [percentage]

      percentage_discount number required
      amount_applied string required
      reason string nullable
      applies_to_prices object[] nullable
    • Array [
    • id string required
      name string required
    • ]
    • ]
    • maximum_amount_adjustment object nullable
      discount_type string required

      Possible values: [percentage]

      percentage_discount number required
      amount_applied string required
      reason string nullable
      applies_to_prices object[] nullable
    • Array [
    • id string required
      name string required
    • ]
    • line_items object[] required

      All of the line items associated with this credit note.

    • Array [
    • id string required

      The Orb id of this resource.

      name string required

      The name of the corresponding invoice line item.

      subtotal string required

      The amount of the line item, excluding any line item minimums and discounts.

      amount string required

      The amount of the line item, including any line item minimums and discounts.

      quantity number nullable required

      An optional quantity credited.

      discounts object[]

      Any line item discounts from the invoice's line item.

    • Array [
    • id string required
      discount_type string required

      Possible values: [percentage, amount]

      percentage_discount number required
      amount_discount string nullable
      amount_applied string required
      reason string nullable
      applies_to_price_ids string[] required
    • ]
    • tax_amounts object[] required

      Any tax amounts applied onto the line item.

    • Array [
    • tax_rate_description string required

      The human-readable description of the applied tax rate.

      tax_rate_percentage string nullable required

      The tax rate percentage, out of 100.

      amount string required

      The amount of additional tax incurred by this tax rate.

    • ]
    • ]
    • ]
    • pagination_metadata object required
      has_more boolean required
      next_cursor string nullable required