List coupons
This endpoint returns a list of all coupons for an account in a list format.
The list of coupons is ordered starting from the most recently created coupon. The response also includes
, which lets the caller retrieve the next page of results if they exist. More information
about pagination can be found in the Pagination-metadata schema.
Query Parameters
Possible values: >= 1
and <= 1000
Default value: 20
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 404
- 409
- 413
- 429
- 500
Response Headers
- Array [
- ]
data object[] required
Also referred to as coupon_id in this documentation.
This string can be used to redeem this coupon for a given subscription.
discount object required
The number of times this coupon has been redeemed.
This allows for a coupon's discount to apply for a limited time (determined in months); a null
value here means "unlimited time".
The maximum number of redemptions allowed for this coupon before it is exhausted; null
here means "unlimited".
An archived coupon can no longer be redeemed. Active coupons will have a value of null for archived_at
; this field will be non-null for archived coupons.
pagination_metadata object required
"data": [
"id": "7iz2yanVjQoBZhyH",
"redemption_code": "HALFOFF",
"discount": {
"discount_type": "percentage",
"applies_to_price_ids": [
"reason": "string",
"percentage_discount": 0.15
"times_redeemed": 0,
"duration_in_months": 12,
"max_redemptions": 0,
"archived_at": "2025-01-13T20:04:53.208Z"
"pagination_metadata": {
"has_more": true,
"next_cursor": "string"
Bad Request
Response Headers
Possible values: [
Possible values: [400
Possible values: [
Possible values: [400
Possible values: [
Possible values: [400
Response Headers
Possible values: [
Possible values: [401
"type": "",
"status": 401,
"detail": "string",
"title": "string"
Not Found
Response Headers
Possible values: [
Possible values: [400
Possible values: [
Possible values: [404
Possible values: [
Possible values: [404
Response Headers
Possible values: [
Possible values: [409
"type": "",
"status": 409,
"detail": "string",
"title": "string"
Request Entity Too Large
Response Headers
Possible values: [
Possible values: [413
Possible values: [
Possible values: [413
Possible values: [
Possible values: [413
Too Many Requests
Response Headers
Possible values: [
Possible values: [429
"type": "",
"status": 429,
"detail": "string",
"title": "string"
Internal Server Error
Response Headers
Possible values: [
"type": "",
"status": 0,
"detail": "string",
"title": "string"