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Fetch subscription schedule

This endpoint returns a paginated list of all plans associated with a subscription along with their start and end dates. This list contains the subscription's initial plan along with past and future plan changes.

Path Parameters
    subscription_id string required
Query Parameters
    limit integer

    Possible values: >= 1 and <= 1000

    Default value: 20

    cursor string
    start_date[gte] date-time
    start_date[gt] date-time
    start_date[lt] date-time
    start_date[lte] date-time


Response Headers

      data object[] required
    • Array [
    • start_date date-time required
      end_date date-time nullable required
      created_at date-time required
      plan object required
      id string nullable required
      external_plan_id string nullable required

      An optional user-defined ID for this plan resource, used throughout the system as an alias for this Plan. Use this field to identify a plan by an existing identifier in your system.

      name string nullable required
    • ]
    • pagination_metadata object required
      has_more boolean required
      next_cursor string nullable required