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Create customer balance transaction

Creates an immutable balance transaction that updates the customer's balance and returns back the newly created transaction.

Path Parameters
    customer_id string required
Request Body required
    amount string required
    type string required

    Possible values: [increment, decrement]

    description string nullable

    An optional description that can be specified around this entry.



Response Headers

      id string required

      A unique id for this transaction.

      created_at date-time required

      The creation time of this transaction.

      starting_balance string required

      The original value of the customer's balance prior to the transaction, in the customer's currency.

      ending_balance string required

      The new value of the customer's balance prior to the transaction, in the customer's currency.

      amount string required

      The value of the amount changed in the transaction.

      action string required

      Possible values: [applied_to_invoice, manual_adjustment, prorated_refund, revert_prorated_refund, return_from_voiding, credit_note_applied, credit_note_voided, overpayment_refund]

      description string nullable required

      An optional description provided for manual customer balance adjustments.

      invoice object nullable required
      id string required

      The Invoice id

      type string required

      Possible values: [increment, decrement]

      credit_note object nullable required
      id string required

      The id of the Credit note
